Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Criterion D- Evaluating the solution

reflection on table:
The table that I made has a very unique table stand. It has many bright colors so that it can look good in anybody's dining room. It also has a beautiful family quote on top. This was easy to make on tinker cad because this is a design that only has straight lines which makes it easy to work with. It didn't come out exactly as planned but I am happy with my work. I will play around with my design so that i can improve it to make it look better.
reflection on heel:
The heels that i made was a heel that carries make-up. It has a hollow space in the wedge to store all women's make-up. This show has a unique design with a really pretty diamond on the back of the shoe. This was a design that was very hard to make on tinker cad since it has a wedge. This heel does not look like what i had planned ans done in my outline but i tried my best and I still like this heel. In future I plan on improving this and make more versions of this like this but in flats and I plan on using all the shapes on tinker cad to my advantage.
term reflection:

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Criterion B- Developing ideas

Criterion B- Developing Ideas

Date: 26/10/16
There are four strands for this:
-Design specification
-Design sketches and ideas
-Choose a design

                            Design Specification-1 

Design specification-2 
Design sketches of the heels 
reflection- These heels design are all made to carry makeup on with the area that is given on the bottom. I drew them by studying a lot of pictures of heels on the internet and modify them in my own way, I made them all in different colours so different heels go with different outfits and they also depend on the number of make-up you have. I decided to draw it instead of using word document because the complex design is easier on paper.  

Design sketches of the dining table 
reflection- These dining tables are made to make your dining room more colorful and make it better looking. I drew them on paper instead of microsoft word because this is a complex design which is easier to do by hand and it is easier to picture the finished product in your mind. 

                                       Testing your Design  

Sunday, October 9, 2016


                                      3D PRINTERS 

The world is coming up with technology so fast and progressing rapidly. One of the latest technology gadget is the 3D printer. A 3D printer is a printer that prints out a 3D model of a 2D image. The 3D model of an object is first made on a computer using a 3D model maker application and then is 3D printed using a 3D printer. 3D printers are not in stores yet but many big companies have them. I recently went to the metropolitan art museum and me and my relatives decided to the fashion section of the museum and there were two dresses which were 3D printed. There were little parts that were printed using a 3D printer which were then put together to make a dress.
Date:10/10/16 reflection;The first lesson was about learning the moves just so we can know exactly what to do for the next lessons. It was quite easy but it helped me to learn the features of the software, This was a great base to start the new software. 

Date: 10/10/16 reflection: All of these lessons taught us how to use the different features of this new software that we are working with this year. The second lesson taught me more features of this software. It showed me how to look at the same image from different angles. This feature is definitely going to be very helpful when I make my own 3D models so that I can view my model from all angles. This lesson also taught me how to zoom in and out of images which is going to be helpful to notice details of 3D models that I will later make.  These features are important since it minimizes the time used to make a 3D model because without these features we would have to constantly move shapes everywhere to see it from all angles and we could have flaws in certain places because without zoom we can't see all details so it would the project much more time consuming and complicated.

Date: 10/10/16 reflection: This lesson was harder than the other two but it taught us how to change sizes of certain shapes. This lesson taught us how to make new complex shapes using just some simple shapes.This is later going to help us make complicated 3D models using simple shapes. It helps break down the complex figures into simple figures that are easier to understand. It helps notice the composition of the complex shape that is created. This feature is important for creating the right height length and breath for each part of the 3D model. 

Date: 10/10/16 reflection: This lesson taught us how to put holes in different objects so that in our 3D models we can make different parts with holes or so that we can keep one side open. This helps us give more definition to the shape that way the 3D model can look better and more complex. 

Design situation -1

Date: 14/10/16 The UAE Nurses Association claims that one of the most difficult parts of their job is dealing with small children who have a fear of needles.  Although the association has some tips and tricks like putting numbing cream to partially freeze the surface of the skin before injecting medicine, sometimes the anxiety levels of small children are so high that it is difficult to get them to hold still.  If only there was an easier way to administer medicine within the syringe.

Date: 14/10/16 About my syringe: I made a very colourful syringe so that kids think it is like a toy. I made this so that oral vaccines can be given easier since they generally very hard to give and are genereally very bad tasting so kids dont want to take them but with this kids will think it is fun to play with and will eaily take the drops easily. This is way the drops can be easily given since nurses wont have to take a new tube of vaccine and she can just reuse this tube.  
My Design situation-2
Date: 14/10/16 69 percent of women wear heels for special occasions and 74 percent of women wear makeup and makeup bags are one of the top 3 things that women carry in their purse 64 percent of women carry their makeup around. Many women have a lot of problems carrying around purses since it becomes very heavy and it hurts many women's shoulder and neck. Many women have a problem of not being able to carry their makeup to special occasions and many times women cannot find their makeup in their makeup bag. I will design a pair of heels that will have a space for all makeup items so women don't have to carry purses they can just wear the heels and go to a special occasion. Many people also have problems because a lot of people pickpocket so this will also have a souluction to that problem. 

Design Brief-1 

Date: 17/10/16 An easy solution is to create a heel that carries makeup around on special occasions. A very popular heel design are heels that have a little platform in the toe area and a little platform in the bottom of the shoe and they have a thick heel so those areas will be equipt with certain holes so that makeup can easily be inserted in these areas. This way the space in heels can be used more productively. I am aiming this product at women who need a place to carry their makeup on special occasions. There can be magnetic door below each hole so the makeup doesnt slip out on the bottom of the shoe to easily access your makeup. This way women can go to washroom take off their shoes get the makeup apply it and put the makeup right back in its position. In a makeup bag things can get lost on the bottom so this way each product can have a designated area so you know where exactly your makeup is kept. The mascara and eyeliner can be kept in the heel, the lipstick can be kept in the platform below the toe area and the eye-shadow palettes and foundation can be kept in the bottom platform and the other shoe can be used to store makeup sponges and brushes. These heels are perfect for keeping other emergency items like emergency money in case something happens. This is great for places that have a lot of people who pickpocket because no one would think there is money in someone’s heels.

 My Design Situation-3 

Date:14/10/16 15 percent of people are moving into a new house every year which means that they need complete new furniture and one thing that is an important part is the dinig room, The dinig room is a imporatant place since a family sits together there at least 3 times a day so the place must be great since so much time is spent in the dinig room. The most imporatant feature of a dinig room is the table set but they generelly just comein wood,marble or solid colours but since you spend so much time there it should be better. I will design a table with clolourful wood and quote. 

                                  Design Brief-2

Date: 17/10/16 I have a souluction to this problem of boring funrtiture. I will create a table that has a quote on it so that the dinig table looks better. The quote will be writeen on top of solid colour wood . I will make then bottom of the table bow shaped so it looks very detailed and nice. Instead of having boring old chairs I will have benches with same bow shaped bottom as the table and I will have also put a quote on the benches .I am aiming this products at people who are planning to move into a new house or for people who are re decorate there dinig room. I think it is a great way to add more demension to the dinig room. This product will be great for people who are trying to get a more mordern dinig table to match there mordern decor instead of old vintage tables. This table will table will also come with a clear cover so that it is easily cleaned off incase any food or water is dropped on ti so taht the wood is not ruined. This product will be decorative and useful to a lot of people.   

peer evaluation 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Term 1 - Design Technology 2016-2017

Introduction: 5th september,2016

My name is Samia and I am going to tell you how I used my electronics in the summer vacation. During summer vacation I used my phone and laptop. I was in america to drop my sister to college so i used google maps on my phone to get from place to place. I also used my phone to go on instagram and snapchat to post pictures of my trip.I used my phone to take pictures of my trip. I used my laptop to research about places that i was going to on my trip. I used my laptop to book online tickets of places so we would get to skip the lines. I used my laptop to watch my favourite TV shows. I used my laptop to watch youtube everyday. I used my laptop to online shopping beacuse of summer discounts. I used my phone to read books in the summer on an app called wattapad .I used my lapatop to do some summer projects. I use my phone to whatsapp my family,friends and my sister since she is in college in America. I used my laptop to skype my friends and family. I hope that in this year i can find new and interesting ways to use my electronics. I am very excited to learn new and different ways to use my electronics in design class.
 Samia Kapoor 8-BB

Image result for laptop tumblr

MY SMART GOAL 7th sepetember,2016

In grade 8 digital design class for term 1 is to be able to have my blog completely up to date and my target is to achieve a 6/7 as my final grade for term 1 .
MYP design cycle


I created my own design cycle by using microsoft word. I use different shapes in microsoft word to make the outline of my design cycle. I use different images from google to make the key parts of the design cycle. I use text boxes and wrote the outer circle of the design cycle. 
Global context: orientation in time and space. I would use the colours in the design cycle if i make the design cycle again.I learned how to use different features in microsoft word.I also learned more about the MYP design cycle.
Key concept: communication 
Related concepts: Form and perspective 
Critical thinking: how can the design cycle be represented creatively?
ATL skills-
1. Creative thinking
2. Communication
3. Information literacy

Critical Thinking: How can the design cycle be represented creativel

Creative Thinking
Information LiteraMYMY  MYP DESIGN CYCLE

my understanding of the design cycle